1. - Your *BIRTH* came through *Others.*
2. - Your *NAME* was given by *Others.*
3. - You were *EDUCATED* by *Others.*
4. - Your *INCOME* indirectly comes through *Others.*
5. - Your *RESPECT* is given by *Others.*
6. - Your *first BATH* was given by *Others.*
7. - Your *last BATH* will be done by Others.
8. - Your *FUNERAL* will be organised by *Others.*
9. - You will be taken to your *FINAL RESTING PLACE* by *Others.* and
10. - *EVERYTHING* you own will be inherited by *Others.*
Isn't it high time we learned to live in PEACE and HARMONY with *Others*, because all through our lives, at one point or the *other,* we will need each *Other.*
🖊️ *Nothing makes life sweeter than adding value to others.*
🖊️ *The people you help today become your soldiers in the battle of life tomorrow.*
🖊️ *To invest in properties is good but to invest in people is far far better.*
🖊️ *Try to make money, but try also to make people great.*
🖊️ *Your greatest achievements are the tears you wipe away from people's faces, not the things you get.*
🖊️ *Your greatest achievement should be raising achievers.*
🖊️ *People will defend, stand by you, and honour you; when they realize you value them.*
🖊️ *Don't let personal and ungrateful actions stop you from making others great.*
*This is Food for thought!!!*
Do have a wonderful day ahead and Blessedweek.