Dada Emmanuel Olayinka
2 min readOct 13, 2021



Excellent is not for mediocre, Joseph was excellent when he was alife, the heart of joseph is what you need to achieve your goals in these world, untill you get the administrative hearts of Joseph's wisdom and strategic formula used to achieve his goals in the land of Egypt, life will become unbe-arable, struggle and diffculty. Untill you adoubt the strategics used by joseph in his office before you can achieve your goals.

The honey and milk of this world are very Close to you, if you can't get the it's right formula regard the information, it will be difficulty to achieve tomorrow.If you are not informed then you will be deformed.

As senior administrator, Joseph’s work touched on nearly every practical area of the nation’s life. His office would have required that he learn much about legislation, communication, negotiation, transportation, safe and efficient methods of food storage, building, economic strategizing and forecasting, record-keeping, payroll, the handling of transactions both by means of currency and through bartering, human resources, and the acquisition of real estate.

His extraordinary abilities with respect to God and people did not operate in separate domains.

The genius of Joseph’s success lay in the effective integration of his divine gifts and acquired competencies. For Joseph, all of this was godly work.

To be continuing.

#Deolink #Creatives #Acticle #inspiration #Global #visitionary #personality.o



Dada Emmanuel Olayinka

I am content writer and Creator on major social media across the globe . My hand can reach anywhere in the world. I am black Jewelry. I am black AFRICAN.